The Samford University Library is located in Harwell Goodwin Davis Library building. The Library is administrated by the Dean of University Library, and is organized into 7 departments. Being central to campus, the library building hosts some Technology Services offices including the User Support Service Desk, Academic Computing Labs, Technology Learning Center and Learning Applications Group. Space for other non-library offices include Alabama Mens Hall of Fame and University Advancement (University Library).
- Kimmetha Herndon, Dean, Samford University Library
- Lori Northrup, Associate Dean; Chair, Collection Management
- Eric Allen, Administrative Assistant; Building Coordinator
- Contact: 726-2846 or
Admininstration offices are located on the first floor, (maps), Room 131, of the University Library.
- Jaroslaw Szurek, Chair; Music Librarian, Cataloging & Metadata Librarian
- Anna Harper, Cataloging Technical Assistant
- Alaina Hebert, Metadata Librarian for Serials & Electronic Resources
- Kelsea Izor, Metadata Librarian for Serials & Electronic Resources
- Peng Mu, Cataloging & Metadata Librarian
- Elizabeth Jane Sanders, Cataloging Technical Assistant
- Contact: (205) 726-4136
Cataloging is located on the fourth floor, (maps), Room 430, of the University Library.
The Cataloging department of Samford University Library prepares library materials for patron use.
- Cheryl Cecil, Chair, Librarian
- Samuel Douglas, Periodical Specialist
- Katrina Rash, Night Supervisor
- Patrick Rowe, Media Specialist
- Jordan Shoop, Night Supervisor
- Dana Webster, Reserve Specialist
- Circulation Desk: (205) 726-2748 | Hours Hotline: 726-4015
The Circulation Desk located on the first floor, (maps), near the front entrance of the University Library.
The Circulation desk is staffed all hours the library is open. This department handles checkin and checkout of all circulating resources in the library. Circulating resources include the main circulating collection, government documents, reserves, multi-media resources, and other collections.
Visit Borrowing Privileges for information about services for faculty, staff, students and community users.
Visit Collections for more information about individual library collections.
Collection Management incl. Acquisitions, Interlibrary Loan
- Lori Northrup, Chair; Associate Dean
- Josh Williamson, Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Coordinator
- position open, Acquisitions Coordinator
- Contact: (205) 726-2518 or
- Interlibrary Loan: (205) 726-2983 or
Collection Management is located on the fourth floor, (maps), Room 410, of the University Library.
True to the mission of the library, the development and management of the collection serve to support the curriculum of the University by acquiring, organizing, and preserving a broad well-balanced spectrum of information.
These responsibilities and the selecting, licensing and subscribing to electronic databases are those of the collection management librarian.
Selection and weeding are accomplished with the cooperation of the teaching faculty and librarians.
Suggestions for library materials are welcomed from anyone in the University community.
A written Collection Development Policy is in place. The policy is intended as the operational and conceptual framework for management of library materials in the University Library. The collecting interests of Special Collection are identified as well as operational statements for handling gifts and donations and the deselect ion of materials.
Collection Management administrates Acquistions and Interlibrary Loan/Resource Retrieval.
The Acquisitions department of Samford University Library acquires library materials, both purchases and gifts, in all formats. Hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery
Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery borrows materials from other libraries for Samford faculty, students, and staff.
Visit Interlibrary Loan. Hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm.
Reference and Research Services 
- Carla Waddell, Chair; Government Documents Librarian, Reference Librarian
- Sarah Cooper, Instruction & Reference Librarian
- Lance Day, Instruction & Reference Librarian
- Lauren Young, Instruction Coordinator, Reference Librarian
- Reference Desk: (205) 726-2196 or
- Government Documents: (205) 726-2755
Reference and Research Services is located on the second floor, (maps), of the Samford University Library.
Librarians and staff are available to assist students, faculty, staff and other members of the Samford community with any information need. Whether you need a single fact or a lengthy research consultation, Ask Us assistance is available all hours the library is open.
Reference and Research Services areas include:
- Ask Us Ask a Librarian, e-mail & chat reference
- Research Consultation In-depth research consultation
- Library Instruction Information for faculty and staff
- Government Documents Collection, selective federal depository library
Special Collection incl. University Archives
- Jennifer Taylor, Chair, Librarian
- Tabitha Catlin, Microfilm Lab Manager
- Rebecca Hyde, Processing Archivist & Special Collection Librarian
- Burns Kennedy, Archivist & User Services Librarian
- Megan Crowe, Microfilm Laboratory Assistant
- Contact: (205) 726-2749 or
Special Collection is located on the lower level, (maps), of the Samford University Library and is open to the public Monday thru Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm. Check the library's hours for special closings.
SC material is restricted to use within the collection.
Visit Special Collection for more information or assistance.
Special Collection also administrates: The Microfilm Laboratory and Samford University Archives. Read more.
- Ed Cherry, Systems Librarian
- Catherine Craig, Library & Information Systems Specialist
- Contact: (205) 726-2506 or
The Systems department is located on the fourth floor, (maps), Room 430, of the University Library.
The Systems Unit supports the online library system and broader technology needs for the university library.