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2023 Exhibits
The Art of Nature

east panels, first floor

collage of various entries received and on display
A Juried Exhibition with Prizes
April 3-15, 2023Celebrate earth month and creation this April by submitting artwork that highlights the beauty of nature. Subjects can range from cells to plants to galaxies and all points in between.
April 4 — 4-5:30 p.m., Davis Library, Room 233
Hosted by the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Samford Sustainability. Supported by Howard College of Arts & Sciences.

Artwork on display first floor, east panels around grand staircase, and second floor in the reading room.
2022 Exhibits
Student Athletes

Highlighting Student Athletes and Programs
September-November 2022Photos, fight song and memorabilia on display around the first-floor grand staircase highlighting just a few of the Samford student athletic programs. Don't forget to stop by the east panels and scan the qrcode and post a selfie #SamfordREAD. Entry information available at the display.
Call for Unity & Letter from Birmingham Jail

Eight White Alabama Clergymen & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
June 24-August 19, 2022A Call for Unity refers to the public statement released on Good Friday, April 12, 1963 by eight white Alabama clergymen criticizing confrontational demonstrations "directed and led in part by outsiders." Instead they call for negotiation of racial issues among local leaders "to unite locally in working peacefully for a better Birmingham." And to pursue the cause of racial issues in the courts. The Birmingham News printed the statement, April 13, 1963.
The informative display includes the public statement by eight Alabama clergymen, newspaper articles around the event and brief information about the clergymen. The clergymen descriptions are taken from the book Blessed are the Peacemakers by S. Jonathan Bass.
The panels also include Dr. King's letter written from Birmingham jail addressed to the clergymen. Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested April 12, 1963 during a civil rights march in Birmingham, Alabama. King wrote Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 13, 1963. A typed copy of this letter was received by Special Collection at Samford University as part of the Papers of Dr. George Bagely housed in Samford University Library. Select pages are visible in the display case between the panels. A PDF version is also available.
Dr. King's letter is considered to be one of the most important texts of the Civil Rights movement.
Condensed display installed west side of the library's grand staircase, across from circulation main desk. Original display exhibited January-February 2022.
Find, Checkout, Read

Selection of Books Received This Year
June 1-August 19, 2022Scan the qrcode and search for some summer reading. On the east display panels around the first-floor grand staircase are a few titles the library has received this past academic year. Scattered amongst the book covers are quotes hand calligraphed by Jordan Hughes.
St. John's Bible

Love thy neighbor & image of God
March 1-April 29, 2022The Saint John's Bible is the first handwritten, illuminate Bible commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in over 500 years. Thanks to a generous donation, the Samford University Library houses the only set of the Heritage Edition, a full-size fine art edition of the original masterpiece, in the state of Alabama. Images and descriptions conveying the "image of God" and "Love thy neighbor" are installed on the panels west side of the library's grand staircase, first floor. Select daily pages of the Bible are on display near the Circulation Desk.
Love thy Neighbor

Emphasis on Civil Discourse
March 1-April 29, 2022An important Samford University distinctive is our shares belief that followers of Jesus Christ are called to bear the image of God and to recognize that sacred image in others.
In support of the "Love thy Neighbor: A Week-long Emphasis on Civil Discourse," the library has on display the recommended reading list for the event as well as schedule of programs. Books may be purchased online from the Reading list. Display installed on the east side of the library's grand staircase, first floor.
Learn about Love thy Neighbor Event Samford.edu
Call for Unity

Eight White Alabama Clergymen
January 10-February 24, 2022A Call for Unity refers to the public statement released on Good Friday, April 12, 1963 by eight white Alabama clergymen criticizing confrontational demonstrations "directed and led in part by outsiders." Instead they call for negotiation of racial issues among local leaders "to unite locally in working peacefully for a better Birmingham." And to pursue the cause of racial issues in the courts. The Birmingham News printed the statement, April 13, 1963.
The informative display includes the public statement by eight Alabama clergymen, newspaper articles around the event and brief information about the clergymen. The clergymen descriptions are taken from the book Blessed are the Peacemakers by S. Jonathan Bass. Display installed west side of the library's grand staircase.
Letter from the Birmingham Jail

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
January 10-February 24, 2022Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested during a civil rights march in Birmingham, Alabama, April 12, 1963. King wrote Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 13, 1963. His letter is considered to be one of the most important texts of the Civil Rights movement.
The panels include all 21 pages of his letter. Display installed east side of the library's grand staircase.
2021 Exhibits

Howard '21 and Samford '71
October 4-November 19, 2021Select photos of Howard's 1921, Samford's 1971, and 2021 Homecoming. Photos and text are taken from the Crimson and Entre Nous, highlighting classes of 1922 and 1972. Also mentioned are the supporting Special Collection Digital Collections and SC's Virtual Homecoming event. Display installed west side of the library's grand staircase.

Corts, Westmoreland and Dr. Taylor
October 4-November 19, 2021The University Library exhibits, Inaugurations, on the east side of the library's grand staircase on the 1st floor. Highlighting Samford's past two presidents and our present, Dr. Beck Taylor. For more information about the inauguration of President Beck A. Taylor, visit the Samford.edu
The Samford Mace

What is that?
October 4-November 19, 2021Parts of the mace, history and symbolism, explained. Display located east side of the library's grand staircase.
2020 Exhibits
Notable African Americans

Artists, Authors & Poets
Influential & Inspirational Leaders
January 13—March 27, 2020The University Library exhibits, Notable African Americans, around the library's grand staircase on the 1st floor. Highlighting African American History Month, we celebrate contributions that African American writers, poets, musicians, political figures, historians and scientists have made to Samford, our country and the world. The display refreshes content in March, focusing on female African American writers.
2019 Exhibits
Festive Panels

Merry Christmas
Local artist and calligrapher, Jordan Hughes, created the white package tags for our festive display. Display panels and ornament filled shadow box display tables are on both sides of the grand staircase, when you enter the library.
Happy Birthday Alabama

Alabama 200 Bicentennial
October 3-November 22, 2019President Monroe signs the Alabama enabling act, March 2, 1819. Timeline of Alabama and Samford facts.
Class of 1969

Homecoming 1968 and Entre Nous
October 3-November 22, 2019Select photos of Samford's 1968 Homecoming. Also on display are photos and text taken from the Entre Nous, highlighting class of 1969.
Fall Beginnings

Map display & Services Information
August–October 2019Course buildings codes, Alma Mater, Fall academic calendar and local city neighbors. Services available on campus and in the library also displayed.

Books, Posters and Quotes
June–August 2019Select book jackets and QR codes for books received in the library this year. Enjoy calligraphy quotes and catch a glimpse of a few Marvel Avengers' READ posters before the summer ends.
Marla Haas Corts Missionary Biography Collection

30 years, Marla Haas Corts Missionary Biography Collection
March–May 2019A gift to Samford by Thomas E. Corts, 17th President of Samford University, in honor of his wife and in appreciation of her service to Samford. The collection was first assembled in 1999 and includes biographies of Christian missionaries both familiar and less well known. Display highlights Mary Ellen Caver, Jim Elliot, Solomon Ginsburg, Lottie Moon, Martha Myers and the Hearns.
Additive Display May 3—13
End of Semester and Graduation events
WWI 100 Years

Armistice, Edward Weeks, Howard College and Major Harwell G. Davis
January–March 2019
2018 Exhibits
Class of 1968

Homecoming 1967 and Entre Nous 1968
October 15-November 12, 2018Select photos of Samford's 1967 Homecoming parade rounding the curve in Homewood, Alabama. Also on display are photos and text taken from the Entre Nous, highlighting class of 1968.
Samford Traditions

August 13-November 12, 2018Photos and text from www.samford.edu/traditions. After October 15th, Homecoming tradition will be added to the panels including schedule of 2018 homecoming events.
Learn More at www.samford.edu/about/traditionsThe Samford Mace

History and Symbolism
August 13-October 8, 2018
Fall Beginnings

Map display & Useful Information
August 13-October 8, 2018Course buildings codes, Alma Mater, Fall academic calendar and local city information.

Summer Reading
May 21-August 6, 2018Former Samford Athletes' READ posters and author quotes. Calligraphy by Jordan Hughes.
The Samford Mace

History & Tradition
May 2018
Libraries Transform

Libraries Lead
National Library Week, April 8-14, 2018Because statements and facts on display.
Albert Casey Irish Collection

Irish American Heritage Month
We're celebrating Irish American Heritage Month by highlighting Samford's Irish Collection. Various images, books and facts from the Albert E. Casey Irish Collection are on display.
Irish CollectionCelebrating 50 Years of Integration

Samford University
Samford University is commemorating 50 years of integration. Various images and facts from the University Archives are on display.
Celebrating 50 Years of IntegrationLetter from the Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther Kings Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail is considered to be one of the most important texts of the Civil Rights Movement. A copy of the letter, part of the papers of Dr. George Bagley, is on display for viewing.
Letter from the Birmingham Jail2017 Exhibits
Marking Memory through Principles of Form & Space

Design Fundamental I, IARC 251
Select projects supported by a Samford Diversity Development Grant are on display from Design Fundamental I class, IARC 251.
IARC 251 exhibitHappy Christmas

Happy Christmas
Local artist and calligrapher, Jordan Hughes, created the white package tags for our festive display. Display panels and ornament filled shadow box display tables are on both sides of the grand staircase, when you enter the library.
Happy ChristmasMemory Art

Memory Art, Artist Sara Sugg Greene Williams
Memory art incorporates many minute pieces of colored cloth glued together to create a memory. In Sara's words, "My medium is fabric, and my tools are scissors and glue...As I lay out the background and arrange my 'stage,' my picutres begin to come alive."
Memory ArtHomecoming 2017

Class of 1967
Campus Life in the '60s
What better way to highlight a Samford tradition than with a homecoming parade!
Homecoming 2017Samford's Three Campuses

Marion, East Lake and Homewood Campuses
As we celebrate Homecoming, we also take a look at the places our institution has called home over the years.
Samford's Three Campuses