Event Exhibition

To: Andy, Love: All of Samford
Local artist and calligrapher, Jordan Hughes, created the white package tags for our festive display. Display panels and ornament filled shadow box display tables are on both sides of the grand staircase, when you enter the library.
Each panel is Christmas wrapped like a package. Is there one for you?
Jordan is the Reserve specialist at our library. Stop by and see her calligraphy.
Jordan Hughes
8 calligraphy tagsLibrary Display Committee
8 decorative panels, printed tags, bows, 2 ornament-filled shadow box tables
To: Mr. Beeson, From: The SGA

To: Kim, From: Goodwin


DO NOT open UNTIL 12/25!

Season's Greetings

To: Buck, From: James Spann

Festive Rejoice!