The ALFA Presentation Practice Room allows students to practice and record presentations individually or as a group. The purpose of this space is for practicing and refining presentations for classes, seminars, conference presentations, thesis defense, etc. When this room is not reserved for presentation practice or Model UN team meetings, it may also be used for group study space on a first come, first served basis.

Room 214, 2nd floor (maps)
Electric screen, projector, video camera, and confidence monitor all controlled by the AMX control system. Additionally there is software for recording user presentations loaded on a computer. The system allows for the use of multiple devices for presentations.
All technology questions should be directed to the Technology Services Help Desk at (205) 726-2662.
Note: Please bring a USB if you plan to save the files.
If you plan to save really large files, you should bring an external hard drive and allow ample time to download them (up to 30 minutes) which will be included in your reservation time.
Current Samford students may reserve the space for presentation practice for 2 hours, up to one week in advance.
- Reservations may be made at the Circulation Desk in person, or by phone at (205)726-2748
- 1 reservation per person, per day
- Reservations will be forfeited if more than 15 minutes late
The student reserving the room, and checking out the key, is responsible for returning the key to the circulation desk.
Overdue and Fines
All fees will be added to the library account of the person who checked out the key
- Late key return results in $5.00 per hour fines
- Unauthorized removal of keys from the University Library results in a $10.00 charge
- The lost key replacement fee is $50.00
- Study rooms are not sound proofed. Users should be sensitive to the need for quiet to avoid disturbing other library users.
- Users are asked to clean up after themselves, and leave the room in good condition for the next users.
- Food and drink and cell phone policies are enforced in study rooms.
Failure to follow these policies, or other applicable library policies, may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of access to this room and other study rooms.