Information Literacy Digital Badging Pathway

Enroll in this self-paced course and choose your own adventure. Each of the 10 badges offered presents a big idea about information that will help you succeed in your research assignments here at Samford. Collect badges and display them on your resume and professional networking accounts to demonstrate your initiative. Earn one or earn them all! Available to all current Samford students, faculty and staff. Learn more.
Lean Library for Students and Researchers
Why Lean Library? Lean Library embeds Samford's library collections and services into your online workflow. Download the browser extension to streamline access and usage of our resources – whether you start on Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia or beyond. Let us know what you think. Below is an overview video highlighting some Lean Library browser extension features.
Treasures from Special Collection

Palm Leaf Book
The Palm Leaf Book in Samford’s Special Collection comes from the Island of Lombok in Indonesia and dates to approximately 1750. This book was graciously given to Samford Special Collections by Davis A. Lockmiller, Law Class of 1929.