Baptist Associations
2 Autauga
3 Baldwin
4 Barbour
5 Bessemer
6 Bethel
7 Bethlehem
8 Bibb
9 Bigbee
10 Birmingham
11 Blount
12 Bullock-Centennial
13 Butler
14 Cahaba
15 Calhoun
16 Carey
17 Central
18 Cherokee
19 Chilton
20 Choctaw
21 Clarke
22 Clay
23 Cleburne
24 Coffee
25 Colbert-Lauderdale
26 Southeast Alabama
27 Conecuh
28 Coosa River
29 Covington
30 Dale
31 Dekalb
32 East Cullman
33 East Liberty
34 Elmore
35 Escambia
36 Etowah
37 Fayette
38 Franklin
39 Friendship
40 Geneva
41 Hale
42 Judson
43 Lamar
44 Limestone
45 Lookout Mountain
46 Madison
47 Marion
48 Marshall
49 Mobile
50 Montgomery
51 Morgan
52 Mud Creek
53 Muscle Shoals
54 North Jefferson
55 Pickens
56 Pine Barren
57 Pleasant Grove
58 Randolph
59 Russell
60 Salem-Troy
61 Sand Mountain
62 Sardis
63 West Central
64 Shelby
65 Sipsey
66 St. Clair
67 Sulphur Springs
68 Tallapoosa
69 Tennessee River
70 Tuscaloosa
71 Tuskegee-Lee
72 Walker
73 Washington
74 West Cullman
75 Winston
The Alabama Association, the fourth oldest Baptist association in Alabama, was organized in December of 1819. In 1889, the New Providence Association was organized. It changed its name in 1903 to Crenshaw County Association. The two associations remained separate until 1931 when a movement was begun to consolidate the two associations.
Walker, Louis C. History of the 18th Session of the Alabama-Crenshaw Baptist Churches. Luverne, Alabama, 1952.
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Originally Mobile Baptist Association 1886 - 1915
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Constituted as Eufala BA in 1854
Westin, Truitt G. Barbour Baptist Association: Past and Present. Barbour Co., The Association, 2004.
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On October 26, 2020 the Birmingham and Bessemer Baptist Associations voted to dissolve both existing associations and form one association called the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association.
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Constituted in 1820, from Bethlehem BA
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The Bethlehem Baptist Association was formed in Washington and Clark counties in 1816 and was originally known as the Beckbe BA. It later became known as Bethlehem BA in 1827. The Beckbe Association, also called Beche Baptist Association, was the first Baptist Association to be formed within the state lines of Alabama. Alexander Travis was a leading force behind the forming of the association and was a leading missionary and pastor for the area.
Morton, Ann W., History of Dale County Baptist Association 1865 – 1993, 1993.
In October of 1901, the Mulberry Missionary Association discussed the need for a new county Baptist association. In November of the following year, Bibb County Baptist Association was organized at Centerville Baptist Church. Nineteen churches voted to join the new association.
Constituted as Central BA, in 1845. Name changed to Little Bigbee BA in 1852, and to Bigbee BA in 1853.
The Bigbee Baptist Association can be traced back to 1853 when the Bigby River and the Central Association discussed a need to create one association for the area. Churches formerly located in North Sumter county and Green county left the Little Bigby River Association to join the Bigbee Association. Churches located in South Sumter left the Central Association to join the Bigbee Association. Bigbee took its name from the “Little Bigby River” Association.
On October 26, 2020 the Birmingham and Bessemer Baptist Associations voted to dissolve both existing associations and form one association called the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association.
In September of 1833, representatives from 10 churches located in Jefferson, Shelby, and St. Clair counties met to form the Canaan Baptist Association. The meeting took place at the Canaan Baptist Church in Jonesboro. The name of the association was taken from this meeting site. The Canaan Association was one of the first mission minded associations to be formed in Alabama. The name of the Association changed in 1890 when it became known at the Birmingham Baptist Association.
Allen, Lee N., Born for Missions: Birmingham Baptist Association 1833-1983, 1984.
Formed from Birmingham BA which organized in 1833 and Bessemer BA which organized in 1899.
On October 26, 2020, the Birmingham and Bessemer Baptist Associations voted to dissolve both existing associations and form one association called the Birmigham Metro Baptist Association.
Originally known as Warrior River BA. Name changed to Blount BA in 1906
Constituted as Centennial BA in 1876, became Bullock-Centennial in 1917.
The churches which banned together in 1903 were members of several other associations prior to the forming of the Butler Baptist Association. These churches were affiliated with either the Conecuh, Bethlehem, Pine Barren, Alabama, or Zion Baptist Associations.
Joyner, J. M., A History of the Baptists of Butler County 1819-1957, 1957,
The Cahaba Baptist Association is the second oldest Baptist association in the state of Alabama.
In 1892 churches from the Coosa River Association and the Tallasahatchee and Ten Island Association asked to be dismissed in order to form a new association closer to home. In May that same year 29 churches met at the Jacksonville First Baptist Church and began the Calhoun Baptist Association.
Higginbotham, Miriam. One Hundred Years of the Calhoun Baptist Association 1892 - 1992, 1992.
By 1854 a number of churches had formed in the territory which would become Clay County. Due to the geography of the area, these churches found it difficult to send messengers to area associations. In 1854 at Rechab Church, a number of churches met to discuss the development of a new Baptist association. Prior to this meeting, many churches were members of the East Liberty Baptist Association or they were not affiliated with an association. Because these churches were committed to missions, it was decided that the association would be named after William Carey, a widely respected English Baptist minister who was dedicated to missions. The association had there first annual meeting the following year.
Dean, John William. History of Carey Baptist Association. 1976.
Brewer, George Evans.A History of the Central Association of Alabama: From It's Organization in 1845 - 1895. Opelika, Alabama, Post Pub. Co., 1895
Culver, Renee.Central Baptist Association, 1845 - 1995; "150 Years of Ministry," Rockford, Alabama; The Association. 1995.
Originally Tallasahatchie. Changed to Ten Island in 1880. The name became Cherokee Co. Baptist Association in 1892.
Church History, Cherokee Missionary Baptist Association. Rockford, Al: The Association, 1976.
Was also Known as Chilton-Unity BA from ?????
At the 74th annual meeting of the Mulberry Missionary Baptist Association in 1901, it was decided that Chilton County needed it's own Baptist Association.
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Originally was known as Antioch BA from 1883 - 1917
McLelland, Franklin and Dora Beard. History of churches: Choctaw Baptist Association. Butler, AL: The Association, 2000.
Originally South Bethel BA. 1883 - 1901
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Constituted by 11 churches formerly of the Boiling Springs BA. 1860 - 1899.
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Organized from Harmony Grove BA which was constituted in 1892.
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Formerly Pea River BA which was constituted in 1877 and Haw Ridge BA 1889 - 1904.
Shoffner, Roy. "Go Ye Therfore..." Touching People for Christ: History of Coffee County Baptist Association, 1981 - 1998. New Brockton, AL: Coffee County Baptist Association, 1998.
Strozier, Albert L. Coffee County Baptist: History of the Coffee county Baptist Association of Alabama and of the Forty-Five Member Churches of the Body. Birmingham, AL: Coffee County Baptist Association, 1981.
Originally Florence BA 1888 -1903, Lauderdale BA 1904 - 1931, and Colbert BA 1896 - 1931
Colbert Lauderdale Baptist Association: the First Fifty Years, 1932 - 1982. Alabama: Colbert Lauderdale Baptist Association, 1983?.
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Newman, Margaret Keelen. Coosa River Baptist Association, 1833 - 1983. 1986.
Sartain, J. A. History of the Coosa River Baptist Association. 1936.
Constituted as Zion BA, name changed to Covington Baptist Association in 1903 then back to Zion in 1904. The name was again changed back to Covington Baptist Association in 1932.
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Formed from Newton BA which organized in 1865. The name changed to Dale County BA in 1907.
Morton, Ann W. History of Dale County Baptist Association, 1865 - 1993. Ozark, AL: The Association, 1993.
The DeKalb Baptist Association was originally known as the Liberty Baptist Association. The first meeting of the association was held at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in St. Clair county in 1842. In October of 1905 the name was changed to the Dekalb Baptist Association.
140th Anniversary Annual & Church History, DeKalb Baptist Association, Alabama. Rainsville, AL: The Association, 1982.
Ables, Ed. A History of the DeKalb Baptist Association: Early Struggles and Growth. 1984.
Curtis, J. Valdor. A History of the DeKalb Baptist Association, 1944.
Separated from Cullman BA in 1947.
Nunnelly, Nadine A. Baptists of Cullman County, 1883 - 1983: Abstracts of the Minutes of the Cullman County Baptist Associations. Cullman, AL: N.A. Nunnelly, 1985.
Bledsoe, W. C. History of the Liberty (East) Baptist Association of Alabama. Atlanta, GA: Constitution job office, 1886,
McGinty, Basil B. History of East Liberty Baptist Association, Chambers County, Alabama: 125 Years: 1836 - 1961. Alexander City, AL: Outlook Publishing Co., 1963.
Formerly was called Montgomery BA from 1882 - 1913 and before that, Central BA from 1845 - 1913.
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Brewer, George Evans . A History of the Central Association of Alabama: From It's Organization in 1845 - 1895. Opelika, Alabama, Post Pub. Co., 1895.
Constituted in 1903 from Conecuh BA.
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Davidson, Sue. A History of the Etowah Baptist Association, 1884 - 1991. Gadsden, AL: The Association, 1991?.
Originated as New River BA in 1871. Name changed to Fayette County BA in 1919.
Newell, Herbert M. and Jeanie P. Newell. History of Fayette County Baptist Association. Birmingham, AL : Banner Press, 1968.
Originally was called Shady Grove BA. It became Franklin BA in 1918. Several churches continued Shady Grove until 1941.
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Originated as Cedar Bluff in 1874 the name changed to Lookout Mountain BA in 1928.
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The Madison Baptist Association has changed names many times since it was organized in 1838. It began as the Liberty Baptist Association in 1838 and remaind under that name until 1884. From 1885 - 1887, it was known as the North Liberty Association, In 1888 it went back to being called the Liberty Association. It remained Liberty untill 1912 when it changed back to the North Liberty Association. In 1916 it became the Madison Liberty Association. In 1959, it became known as the Madison Baptist Association.
Baptist V/F ; MFA 3.132 Reel 1
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Marshall Missionary Baptist Association, 1887 - 1987 : A Century of Witness and Ministry Alabama: the Association, 1987.
Originated as Providence BA in 1855. The name changed to Gulf Cost BA in 1877 and to Mobile Baptist Union in 1880. It became the Mobile Baptist Association in 1886.
Harwell, H. H. Missions in Motion : A History of the Mobile Baptist Association from 1855 to 1977. Mobile, AL: The Association, 1978.
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Ray, Mark Douglas. History of the Morgan County Baptist Association, 1919 - 1994. Hartsell, AL : The Association, 1995.
Parsons, W. B. A History of the Mud Creek Baptist Association: Organized at Mud Creek Church in the Fall of 1871 : Written for the Association and for the Southern Baptist Convention Historical Society. Alabama : The Association, 1957.
Varnell, J. Nelson. Early Baptists of Jackson County, 1821 - 1921.
Originated as the Big Bend of Tennessee River Association by nine churches in Franklin, Lawrence, and Lauderdale counties in July of 1820. The name changed to the Muscle Shoals Association of Baptists in 1821.
Originated as Mineral Springs BA. The name changed to North Jefferson BA in 1971.
Counts, James Hobson. Laboring Together With God : A History of the North Jefferson Baptist Association (1893 - 1988).
Originated as Union BA. The name changed to Pickens BA in 1924
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Constituted from the Northern half of the Bethlehem BA.
History of the Churches of the Pine Barren Baptist Association, 1825 - 2001. Frisco City, AL : Pine Barren Baptist Association, 2001.
Originated as Blue Creek BA. The name changed to Pleasant Grove BA in 1912
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Constituted by churches from the Rock Mills BA 1871-1900 and the Arbacoochee BA 1875-1890.
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Originated as Harris BA. The name changed to Russell BA in 1913.
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Constituted when Salem BA 1839-1904 and Troy BA 1884-1904 merged.
Historical Sketch of Salem Association : from 1845 - 1888. Montgomery, AL : Baptist Print. Co. , 1890.
Wheeler, Emmett B. History of Sand Mountain Association : 1917 - 1973. The Association, 1973.
Bedsole, Tatum. Program of the 50th Session of the Sardis Missionary Baptist Association Held with Hacoda Baptist Church October 12 and 13, 1944. History of Sardis Missionary Baptist Association. Kinston, AL : Bedsole, 1944.
Atchison, Ray M. Baptists of Shelby County: History of the Shelby Baptist Association of Alabama. Birmingham, AL : Banner Press, 1964.
Butler, Cathy. Serving Christ Together for 150 Years: The History of Churches of Shelby Baptist Association. Birmingham, AL : Cornerstone Media, 2002.
Sipsy Baptist Association, Centennial Committee. A History of the Sipsey Baptist Association: Tuscaloosa, Fayette, and Pickens Counties, Alabama, 1890 - 1889. 1990.
Originally Columbia BA 1885-2017
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Constituted from Cahaba Valley BA. The Association became the St. Clair BA in 1909. ???? or 1898
Saint Clair Baptist Association. Women's Missionary Union. History of the St. Clair Associational WMU, 1923 - 1987. 1987.
Sulphur Springs Baptist Association. 130th Anniversary Celebration: 1872-2002. Dora, AL : Sulphur Springs Baptist Association, 2002.
Rodgers, J. H. History of Tallapoosa Baptist Association, 1915 - 1973. Alexander City, AL: Tallapoosa Baptist Association, 1973.
Varnell, J. Nelson. Early Baptists of Jackson County, Alabama 1821 - 1921.
Foster, Henry B. History of Tuscaloosa county Baptist Association 1834 - 1934 : a Record of the Development of Baptist Interest in the Bounds of the Association, Containing Other Information of Concern to all Baptists, Sketches of the Churches and Biography. Tuscaloosa, AL : Weatherford Printing, 1934.
Hatchel, Carol T. History of the Tuscaloosa County Baptist Association : Two Decadws and More, 1953 - 1974. Tuscaloosa, AL : Weatherford Print Co., 1989.
Jeffers, John, H. A History of the Tuskegee Lee Baptist Association. Opelika, AL: The Association, 1994.
Tuggle, Martha J. Walker Baptist Association, 1834 - 1984. Dora, AL: Davis Engraving Co., 1984.
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Orginated as Selma BA. The name changed to West Central BA in 2021.
Helmbold, F. Wilbur. Selma, The Gospel at Work. Birmingham, AL : Banner Press, 1983.
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