This policy is for assistance with research not related to Samford use.
Duplication of Special Collection Materials
- Duplication for research purposes is permitted. We reserve the right to decline photocopying, photographic, or digital reproduction due to copyright, confidentiality, or condition of material.
- For many Special Collection materials, digital cameras may be used for research purposes. Please check with the staff before using your camera.
- We reserve the right to limit the use of our collections for commercial purposes. Formal permission is required for any commercial and publishing/broadcasting purposes.
- Initial payment fees for research and reproductions should be made in advance.
Services & Fees
Guest Printing
Printing from Computer
Visitors may print from library computers and pay for prints at one of the wepa Print Release Stations. Samford wēpa Print Stations are also available for printing from a usb, personal computer, or mobile device.
Printing from Microfilm
The Microfilm Digital Scanning Station sends guest prints to a wepa Print Release station.
Digital Microfilm Scans
There is no charge for self service scans using the Microfilm Digital Scanning Station in Special Collection. Guests may save files to a personal USB thumb drive or save to the station's hard drive and email documents to themselves.
Photocopies and Microfilm Reader Copies
.10 cents each side
A Samford ID or Copy Card is required to make photocopies. Guests may purchase a copy card for $1.00 at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
The cards do not come loaded with money on them. Guests will need to Sign In as a guest to
Get-Bulldog Bucks to add money to the card. The minimum addition is $5.
Staff Services
Each item is a separate request. If the correct citation is not given, the request will be treated as a Research Request.
Duplication & Scanning
For Personal use
Audio/Video Duplication
$20 per file requested
Images in our Digital Collections
$5 per image, 300 dpi jpeg
Images not previously digitized
$15 per image, 300 dpi jpeg
Text-based materials scan or copy
The maximum page count request accepted is 50.
*Each side is considered a separate page count.
For Commercial use
Digital Image
$25 per image, 300 dpi tiff
A permission form should be requested from the Special Collection Department.
Research Requests
Research Request
$30, non-refundable — covers up to 50 page counts
Our search includes: The Alabama Baptist Index, The Special Collection Database, University Archives indexes, and Samford Libraries Catalog.
Duplication & Research Request Form
Research Requests submitted online will be filled in the order they are received. We are unable to perform extensive genealogical searches.