Special Issue of The Alabama Historian

April 1987
  1. Introduction.....Lee Allen [PDF]
  2. Notes on the Preparation of a Local Church History......Joe D. Acker [PDF]
  3. Some Suggestions for History of a Baptist Church......Woddford B. Hackley [PDF]
  4. Baptist History in Statistical Tables.....Hugh C. Bailey [PDF]
  5. Interpreting Church Minutes.....Arthur L. Walker. Jr. [PDF]
  6. Baptist Periodicals in Alabama, 1835 - 1873.....F. Wilbur Helmbold [PDF]
  7. The Use of Secular Newspapers in Writing Church History.....Quentin Porch [PDF]
  8. Shaking a Few History Trees.....Lee. N. Allen [PDF]
  9. Non-Church Sources of Information..... Mattie Lou Teague Crow [PDF]
  10. Writing Baptist History: Using Genealogical Tools and Techniques.....F. Wilbur Helmbold [PDF]
  11. Writing Baptist History: Using Baptist Historical Collection.....Elizabeth Wells and Shirley Hutchens [PDF]
  12. Writing Baptist History: Using Oral History Interviews.....Irma R. Cruse [PDF]
  13. Organizing a Church History..... Lee N. Allen [PDF]
  14. History is Now!.....Nina Brice Gwin [PDF]
  15. For Further Study.....Lee N. Allen [PDF]
  16. Church Clerk is Key to Preserving Church History.....Irma R. Cruse [PDF]