Ruhama Baptist Church was organized in March of 1819 and is the first known Baptist church in the Birmingham area. It is one of approximately 50 churches organized before Alabama became a state on December 14, 1819.
When Howard moved north from Marion to Birmingham in 1887, a close relationship was formed between Ruhama and the college. Many students attended church services at Ruhama and graduation ceremonies were often held there.

First recorded statement of Ruhama Baptist Church
Transcript of the Record
We whose names are hereunto attached, the number of nine become regularly organized on the 27th of March., 1819, by the assistance of our beloved Brother Hosea Holcombe who became a member with us. We constituted at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Jacks, Valey of Blount County, Alabama Territory.
- Ruhama and Its People 'Were There in All Seasons' for Samford." Seasons 18:4 (2001): 10.
- Bee, Fanna K. Bee, and Lee N. Allen. Sesquicentennial History: Ruhama Baptist Church 1819–1969. Birmingham: Oxmoor Press, 1969.
- Huey, Thomas E., Ruhama. Birmingham: Birmingham Printing Company, 1946.
- Ruhama Baptist Church Records, Special Collection, Samford University Library, Birmingham, Alabama.