Special Collection Treasures
Published in March–April 2008 by Jennifer Taylor

They may not have lasted long, but they were fun while they lasted.

Annanias Club

1910 Entre Nous

The Annanias Club

Motto– Touch not, taste not, handle not - the truth.

Aim– To avoid trouble

Members– [1910] "Doc" Burns, "Briars" Johnson, "Kink" Dunlap, "Lanky" Harry, "Windy" Molton

Five Hungry Devils Club

1910 Entre Nous

The Five Hungry Devils

Motto– Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow ye may die.

Drink– White Top

Instrument– The Frying Pan

Whistle– One long, two short

Members– [1910] "Chonny" Watson, "Runt" Burns, "Drayt" Doherty, "Strong" Jackson, "Pat" Sessions

Paradise Club

1911 Entre Nous

The Paradise Club

Motto– If you can't stand the hot grease, get out of the kitchen.

Drink– Any old thing

Favorite Song– The Runaway Train

Password– I am an officer

Yell– Os-key-wow-wo, Whis-key-wee-wee. Paradise, Paradise

Members– [1911] "Nifty" Craddock (Chief Cook), "Wiz" Hagood (Bottle Washer), "Big Henry" Walker (Waiter), "Slick" Tisdale (Scullion), "Bob" Riley (Sentinel), "Mushrat" Isbell (Chaplain)

Pompadour Club

1910 Entre Nous

Pompadour Club

Porcupine Chapter

Motto– United We Stand

Song– There'll Be No Parting There!

Yell– Raff! Riff! Raff! Ree! Rah! Roar! Herpicide! Herpicide! Pompadour!

Active Members– [1912] "Most High Porcupine" Taylor, "High Top-o-lorum" Tisdale, "Reserver of the Model" McPhaul, "Custodian of the Hair-Tonic" Moon.

Pie Club

1913 Entre Nous

The Pie Club

Eaters– [1913] Fullington, Harris, Rowan, Motley, Gilder, Newman

Honorary– Arthur Amenolik Astoron


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