Special Collection Treasures
Published March–April 2010 by Jennifer Taylor
1845 Howard College Catalog

The 1845 Howard College catalog lists a tuition price of $25.00 per term. For those studying Theology, classes were free. There was 1 ten month session each year which was divided into 2 terms of five months each. Students had a week off for Christmas and were home for the months of August and September.

The 1886/1887 academic year was the last one Howard College spent at the campus in Marion. By this time, tuition had increased to $85 per term. However, Theological students could still study for free if they were licensed by their church.

By the 1886/1887 academic year Howard students had a dress code. They were asked to bring "a good supply of underclothing, but only one suit of outer wear."

Vacation had also changed by this time. Students no longer had a week off for Christmas vacation. Instead they were asked to remain on campus and were only given Christmas day off from classes.

Tuition, 1886/1887 Howard College Catalog
Dress code, 1886/1887 Howard College Catalog


  • Garrett, Mitchell Bennett. Sixty Years of Howard College 1842 - 1902
  • Samford University Catalogs