Front cover
The FRAUDS of Romish Monks and Priests and farther Discover'd
By the Author of a late Book, Entitled, The Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests.
Printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Robert Clavell, at the Peacock at the West-end of S.Pauls. 1691
He was originally ordained as a secular priest in Roman Catholicism in his hometown of Saragossa, Spain. As a young man he converted to Protestantism so he disguised himself as an officer of the army and left Spain, making his way to London. In London he wrote these tales while also preaching to a Spanish language Anglican congregation.
Though his books were understood to be untrue, the indecent tales contained gave Gavin lasting notoriety. At least three editions of this work were published during his lifetime.
- Gavin, Antonio, Observations on a Journy to Naples Wherein the Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests are farther Discover'd. London: Samuel Roycroft for Rober Clavell, 1691.
- Goodwin, Gordon. 2004 "Gavin, Antonio (fl. 1716–1726), Church of England clergyman and religious controversialist." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 17 Aug. 2018.
- http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-10464.